This blog was created to capture memories, impressions and thoughts of Chelsea, from those that love her. Please take some time to gather your pictures, stories and personal experiences involving Chelsea and share them with us. Hopefully this will be a living tribute that we can all enjoy as we approach nearly 10 years without her. We will also be compiling all of your memories into a book to surprise Karen and Jon Hale with.

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Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts with us!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Audrey as a Sister

Growing up at the Hale's House-- literally-- I came to know and understand Chelsea primarily through her sister, Ali. Ali and I shared many things: horrible embarrassing experiences, laughter, clothes, and on occasion the same crush. But we always had one thing in common. We both had wonderful sisters trail blaze through adolescence for us. They both showed us how to: get dates without trying, be elegant in anything, and be kind to everyone.

Chelsea was not just Ali's sister, she was mine. Since she carried the burden of driving Ali and I home from school almost everyday in high school, I got to see a rare glimpse of her. I got to see her get ready for dates, dress up for Pep Club, and rush for Delta Gamma. It wasn't through any one moment that I realized how amazing Chelsea was. It was how she treated people. Especially awkward 15 year old girls who were straddled to her by nature of her possessing a driver's license. It was how she intuitively knew who the shy person was in the room, how she would include people, and how she lived her life. I never remember hearing Chelsea ever say anything negative about anyone. She was truly accessible to all who knew her.

All I really knew about Chelsea was that she was beautiful without trying to be, she was dainty, yet courageous, and she was classic--even then. I am probably the only person who can say I had Audrey Hepburn for a sister. Chelsea's beauty was subtle, charismatic, and timeless. How can I thank you for showing me how to be a better human being?

Grayce McCullough Anderson

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